Sign up for the Aurora Alert
Now and then the Northern Lights are so strong they reach the US mainland and Europe. Be the first to know about strong solar activity and your chance to see the Northern Lights in areas below the arctic.
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Can I see the Aurora now?
about Aurora Watchers
We have been tracking, watching and photographing the Northern Light for over a decade. Either during holiday trips to the Nordics, while living in our small farm on the Lofoten (Norway) or during the occurrences that the Northern Lights are visible more to the south, in The Netherlands. By signing up for the (free!) Aurora Alert, we will let you know when an expected solar wind is heading towards Earth.
Check out the Monitor page for the past, current and forecast of Northern Lights. On the "Northern Lights" page, we will share a bit more on history and the science behind this awesome phenomena.
Looking forward to have you join the Aurora Watchers group!